March 2010, The Rundown

The Rundown: Best Links Of The Week

While the content here at The Yanks Are Coming is nothing short of top-notch, we want you to know it’s OK to venture elsewhere in the blogosphere. To spare you from reading hours and hours of worthless crap, we present you five of the best stories of the week from other sources. Excuse us while we pat ourselves on the back.

The Rundown

5. Dirty Tackle: Stoke fans induce the wrath of JT with inflatable doll

Starting off The Rundown, we offer a hilarious piece by Brooks Peck that includes John Terry, a sex doll and a bunch of drunken English hecklers. Simply put, you have to check this out…

4. Match Fit USA: The American Soccer Show

A first for The Rundown, we encourage you to listen in to The American Soccer Show podcast run by Jason Davis and some seemingly crazy guy dubbed The Ginge…

3. du Nord: Photo Essay: Nike takes du Nord to London England

Nothing short of fantastic, Bruce McGuire (owner of one of the sweetest beards on record) recaps his trip to London for Nike’s launch of the new World Cup kits. Definitely give it a look…

2. The Shin Guardian: March Boarding: En Route to Redemption, RSA

A great read from our friends at The Shin Guardian, Matthew breaks down where each USMNT player stands with regard to their place on the World Cup roster…

1. Grant Wahl: In no rush to exit, Donovan savors confidence-boosting run at Everton

Excellent reporting on Landon Donovan’s stay in England woven together perfectly by Wahl make this post our best link of the week and one of the better reads we’ve come across in a long time…

To nominate an article or blog entry for The Rundown, send your favorite links to

And for your viewing pleasure: